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DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center

GVSC continues to serve as the Department of Defense’s technology laboratory and engineering center of excellence for all ground vehicle advancement and development, providing leading-edge capabilities to a professional force.


The United States Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (DEVCOM) Ground Vehicle Systems Center (GVSC), located in Warren, Michigan, is the U.S. Armed Forces’ research and development facility for advanced technology in ground systems. The U.S. Army DEVCOM is a major subordinate command of the U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC). GVSC shares its facilities with the U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM). Current technology focus areas include Power and Mobility, Autonomous Systems, Force Projection, Survivability & Protection, Electronics and Architecture, Cyber Engineering and Software Integration.


The engineers, scientists, technicians, and project leaders at GVSC support the Army’s ground vehicles beginning with basic research in support of the future of ground vehicle technology, further developing emerging technologies for integration onto Army platforms, sustaining platforms through their lifecycles, and all of the research, development, testing, integration, and relationship building with our industry partners that’s necessary to be successful in providing our Warfighters with the best capabilities possible.

Priority Efforts

The DEVCOM Ground Vehicle System Center’s research and development focus is prioritized in five areas, and its engineering and testing capabilities in two. Each of these support the development and sustainment of the Army’s ground vehicle fleet.


The autonomous and robotic technologies that GVSC pursues in the ground vehicle space drive at both robotic capability growth and in strengthening the interface between the Warfighter and the robotic elements. Formation-based concepts in Human Machine Integration mean our formations fighting bigger than themselves without having to add a lot of manned combat power to those formations. With our partners and stakeholders from the Army and industry, we’re accelerating efforts to bring Human Machine Integrated Formations to the Warfighter. This effort will leverage machines to perform tasks that normally put Soldiers at risk, and to provide Soldiers with better information for more rapid decision making.


Sustaining logistics for all Army operations at greater distances, over multiple domains, and against near-peer adversaries with greater magazine depths and interior lines will likely define the future operational environment. GVSC’s efforts to reduce the logistics burden on our ground portfolio include integrating new technologies that reduce fuel consumption, increase powertrain efficiency, produce maintenance support at the tactical edge through Advanced Manufacturing capabilities, predictive maintenance, and more.


GVSC is proud to be home to some of the strongest talent in engineering and fleet sustainment, providing that support to our partners in the Program Executive Offices, U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM) and the Army’s depots and arsenals. That expertise keeps our Soldiers’ ground vehicles the most advanced in the world, integrating new technologies as they’re developed using the most advanced tools.


GVSC provides the Army with the latest technologies ready for integration onto our ground vehicles, whether those technologies are developed internally or with our many industry partners. Our advanced digital modeling and testing capabilities are essential in GVSC’s drive to “fail early and cheaply,” leveraging advanced tools and technologies across the lifecycle of a ground vehicle capability’s development, integration, and assessment to get a better product to the Warfighter faster and more cost-efficiently and identifying early when a new technology will not work for the Army.


The Army’s survivability and protection experts are dedicated to the technologies and resulting capabilities that keep our formations on the battlefield and bring our Warfighters home safely.  The GVSC team, alongside the Product Manager for Vehicle Protection Systems, work tirelessly to transition critical technologies from development to deployment and sustain them in the future.


GVSC provides engineering support to the U.S. Army’s current fleet of ground vehicles, ensuring they remain operationally effective and relevant in the face of evolving threats. The center’s work is critical to maintaining the U.S. military’s technological edge and ensuring the safety and success of American soldiers in the field. Additionally, GVSC and the Army in general embrace the shift to Digital Engineering and the efficiencies and ease in transition from commercial innovators to government application on ground vehicles that Digital Engineering principles provide.


The U.S. Army DEVCOM Ground Vehicle Systems Center possesses an extensive suite of testing capabilities that enable it to evaluate the performance, reliability, and safety of ground vehicle systems in a wide range of environments and conditions. GVSC’s test facilities include specialized test chambers and equipment for evaluating vehicle components such as engines, transmissions, suspensions, power systems, airflow systems, and more. The center’s testing capabilities also extend to areas such as vehicle ballistic protection, electromagnetic interference, and cybersecurity. GVSC’s testing expertise is critical to ensuring that ground vehicle systems meet the demanding requirements of the U.S. military, and that they are ready to perform effectively in the most challenging operational environments.

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